Media Interface and Network Design Lab

Equipment/facility: Facility

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    The Media Interface and Network Design (M.I.N.D.) Lab is a center for the research and design of interactive augmented reality computer interfaces, dynamic data visualizations and human-computer interaction. The M.I.N.D. Lab also conducts human-computer interaction studies assessing the effectiveness of new interactive hardware and software on user performance, learning, cognition and aesthetic experience. Current M.I.N.D. Lab interface design projects include human-scale, near-space magnetic field visualization; interactive AR visualization of artists in museums and displays; AR visualization of biochemical structures: and library visualization and navigation. The museum AR project has won two international awards for augmented reality design. The M.I.N.D. Lab is the local site of a network of three collaborative human-computer interaction labs that over time have spanned the United States, Europe and Asia, including more than 50 computer scientists, neuroscientists, artists and human-computer interaction specialists. Recent M.I.N.D. Lab network projects have been funded by the U.S. Air Force, the National Science Foundation and the European Union, and by clients such as HP, Korea Telecom, Amazon and Samsung.


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