Projects per year
Search results
Conference on Advances in Bayesian and Frequentist Theory and Methods for Complex Data
Tan, Z. (PI)
2/1/22 → 1/31/23
Project: Research project
Predictive Modeling with High-Dimensional lncomplete Data
Guo, Z. (PI)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
9/1/20 → 8/31/23
Project: Research
ATD: Anomaly Detection with Confidence and Precision
Xie, M. (PI), Chen, R. (CoPI) & Xiao, H. (CoPI)
8/1/20 → 7/31/24
Project: Research
Statistical Properties of Privacy-Preserving Algorithms: Optimality, Adaptivity, and Stability
Zhang, L. (PI)
7/1/20 → 6/30/23
Project: Research project
Modeling and Inference for Dynamic Network Analysis
Crane, H. (PI)
7/1/20 → 6/30/23
Project: Research project
Privacy-Preserving Bayesian Inference: Foundations and Extensions
Gong, R. (PI)
9/1/19 → 8/31/22
Project: Research project
Deep Learning and Random Forests for High-Dimensional Regression
Klusowski, J. M. (PI)
8/15/19 → 11/30/20
Project: Research project
EAGER: Collaborative Research: MATDAT18 Type-I: Development of a machine learning framework to optimize ReaxFF force field parameters
Dasgupta, T. (PI) & Hung, Y. (CoPI)
10/1/18 → 9/30/20
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Efficient Bayesian Global Optimization with Applications to Deep Learning and Computer Experiments
Hung, Y. (PI)
10/1/18 → 6/30/24
Project: Research project
PAGE III: Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology
Matise, T. (PI), Buyske, S. (CoPI), Haiman, C. A. (CoPI), Kooperberg, C. (CoPI), LOOS, R. J. (CoPI) & North, K. E. (CoPI)
National Human Genome Research Institute
9/12/18 → 6/14/19
Project: Research project
Inference in High-Dimensional Linear Models: Methods, Theory, and Applications
Guo, Z. (PI)
8/15/18 → 7/31/21
Project: Research project
Nonparametric Inference and Prediction for Complex Data by Data Depth, Confidence Distribution and Monte Carlo Method
8/15/18 → 7/31/22
Project: Research project
Lassoing Eigenvalues: A Classical and a Robust Approach
Tyler, D. (PI)
7/1/18 → 6/30/23
Project: Research project
Uncertainty Quantification in High-Dimensional Structured Regression Problems
Bellec, P. (PI)
6/1/18 → 5/31/22
Project: Research project
HDR TRIPODS: Data Science Principles of the Human-Machine Convergence
Roberts, F. (PI), Zhang, C. (CoPI), Stone, M. (CoPI), Mischaikow, K. (CoPI) & Bekris, K. (CoPI)
10/1/17 → 8/31/23
Project: Research
BIGDATA:F: Statistical Learning with Large Dynamic Tensor Data
Chen, R. R. (PI), Zhang, C.-H.C.-H. (CoPI), Liu, R. (CoPI) & Yang, D. D. (CoPI)
9/1/17 → 8/31/23
Project: Research
Collaborative Research: Statistical Modeling of Mechanosensing by Cell Surface Receptors
Hung, Y. (PI)
8/1/17 → 7/31/21
Project: Research project
ADT: i-Group Learning and i-Detect for Dynamic Real Time Anomaly Detection with Applications in Maritime Threat Detection
Chen, R. (PI), Roberts, F. (CoPI) & Xie, M. (CoPI)
7/15/17 → 6/30/21
Project: Research project
NHGRI Genome Sequencing Program Coordinating Center
Matise, T. C. (PI) & Buyske, S. (CoPI)
National Human Genome Research Institute
1/14/16 → 11/30/20
Project: Research
SBE: Small: Statistical Models and Methods for Dynamic Complex Networks
Crane, H. (PI)
9/1/15 → 8/31/18
Project: Research project
CAREER: Maximum likelihood and nonparametric empirical Bayes methods in high dimensions
Dicker, L. (PI)
8/1/15 → 7/31/20
Project: Research project
Confidence Distribution (CD) and Efficient Approaches for Combining Inferences from Massive Complex Data
7/1/15 → 6/30/19
Project: Research project
Nonlinear dynamic factor models and dynamic factor driven functional time series models
Chen, R. (PI)
7/1/15 → 5/31/19
Project: Research project
The fifth international workshop on Finance, Insurance, Probability and Statistics
Chen, R. (PI)
6/15/15 → 5/31/16
Project: Research project
RI: Medium: Collaborative Research: Next-Generation Statistical Optimization Methods for Big Data Computing
Zhang, C. (PI) & Zhang, T. (CoPI)
8/15/14 → 7/31/18
Project: Research
Robust Estimation for Structured Covariance Models
Tyler, D. (PI)
8/15/14 → 7/31/18
Project: Research project
CAREER: An Efficient Framework for Design and Modeling of Complex Computer Experiments
Hung, Y. (PI)
7/1/14 → 6/30/19
Project: Research project
Heterogenous and Robust Survival Analysis in Genomic Studies
Wang, S. (PI) & Wang, S. (CoPI)
National Human Genome Research Institute
6/4/14 → 3/31/20
Project: Research
BIGDATA: Small: DA: A Random Projection Approach
Li, P. (PI)
12/1/13 → 4/30/19
Project: Research project
NHGRI PAGE Coordinating Center
Matise, T. C. (PI) & Buyske, S. (CoPI)
National Human Genome Research Institute
9/1/13 → 5/31/19
Project: Research
III: Small: Probabilistic Hashing for Efficient Search Learning
Li, P. (PI)
8/28/13 → 8/31/18
Project: Research project
BIGDATA: Small: DA: Statistical Machine Learning Methods for Scalable Data Analysis
Zhang, C. (PI) & Zhang, T. (CoPI)
7/1/13 → 6/30/17
Project: Research
Conference on Advanced Statistical Methods for Underground Seismic Event Monitoring and Verification
Xie, M. (PI) & Chen, R. (CoPI)
2/15/13 → 1/31/15
Project: Research project
Advances for Complex Surveys with Auxiliary Information and Missing Data
Tan, Z. (PI)
9/15/12 → 8/31/13
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research:Modeling and Analysis of Fracture Network for Shale Gas Development and Its Environmental Impact
Chen, R. (PI)
9/1/12 → 8/31/16
Project: Research project
Dense and Sparse Methods in High-Dimensional Data Analysis
Dicker, L. (PI)
8/1/12 → 7/31/16
Project: Research project
New Developments on Confidence Distributions (CDs) and Statistical Inference: Theory, Methodology and Applications
Xie, M. (PI)
9/1/11 → 8/31/16
Project: Research project
Statistical Problems in Closed-Loop Diabetes Control
Zhang, C. (PI) & Shepp, L. (CoPI)
8/15/11 → 7/31/15
Project: Research
Conference on 'Imaging, Communications and Finance: Stochastic Modeling of Real-world Problems'
Lindquist, M. A. (PI), Lai, T. T. L. (CoPI), Zhang, C. (CoPI) & Ying, Z. (CoPI)
7/1/11 → 6/30/12
Project: Research project
Data Depth: Multivariate Spacings and DD-Classifiers for Nonparametric Multivariate Classification
Liu, R. (PI)
9/1/10 → 8/31/14
Project: Research project
Statistical Methods and Theory in Some High-Dimensional Problems
Zhang, C. (PI)
9/1/09 → 8/31/13
Project: Research
ATD: Statistical Methods for Nuclear Material Surveillance Using Mobile Sensors
Xie, M. (PI), Chen, R. (CoPI) & Joslyn, C. C. (CoPI)
9/1/09 → 8/31/13
Project: Research
Design and Analysis of Complex Experiments: Branching Factors and Functional Responses
Hung, Y. (PI)
8/1/09 → 7/31/13
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Validation, Calibration, and Prediction of Computer Models with Functional Output
Hung, Y. (PI)
8/1/09 → 7/31/12
Project: Research project
Robust Multivariate Statistics: Beyond Ellipticity and Affine Equivariance
Tyler, D. (PI)
6/1/09 → 5/31/13
Project: Research project
New multiple testing methods for pairwise comparisons & other dependent data cases
Sackrowitz, H. (PI)
9/1/08 → 8/31/11
Project: Research project
Collaborartive Research: Monte Carlo Study of Pseudoknotted RNA Molecules: Motifs, Structure and Folding
Chen, R. (PI)
7/15/08 → 6/30/13
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: Fast Functional MRI
Shepp, L. (PI) & Zhang, C. (CoPI)
7/1/08 → 6/30/12
Project: Research
CAREER: Nonparametric likelihood, estimating functions, and causal inference
Tan, Z. (PI)
7/1/07 → 2/28/13
Project: Research project
From Centrality To Extremity in Multivariate Statistics: Data Depth, Extreme Value Theory and Applications
Liu, R. (PI)
7/1/07 → 6/30/11
Project: Research project
DNA Barcode Data Analysis Initiative: Tools for a New Generation of Biodiversity Data Workshops
Roberts, F. (PI), Cabrera, J. (CoPI) & Jörnsten, R. (CoPI)
9/1/06 → 8/31/08
Project: Research project
Multi-Way Semilinear Methods with Applications to Microarray Data
Zhang, C. (PI)
7/1/06 → 6/30/10
Project: Research
Invariant Coordinate Selection (ICS): A Robust Statistical Perspective on Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
Tyler, D. (PI)
6/1/06 → 9/30/09
Project: Research project
Statistical Methods in Fast Functional MRI
Shepp, L. (PI) & Zhang, C. (CoPI)
7/1/05 → 6/30/09
Project: Research
Smoothed multiple endpoint procedures.
Sackrowitz, H. (PI) & Cohen, A. (CoPI)
7/1/05 → 6/30/08
Project: Research
Collaborative Research 'Tracking Statistics and Inference for Indirect Measurements'
Liu, R. (PI)
7/1/04 → 6/30/08
Project: Research project
Statistical Models and Methods for Some Applied Problems
Zhang, C. (PI) & Vardi, Y. (CoPI)
6/1/04 → 5/31/06
Project: Research
Scalable Analysis of Similarity Data
Liu, R. (PI) & Lin, J. J. K. (CoPI)
7/1/03 → 6/30/08
Project: Research
Statistical Mining of Massive Data, Data Depth and Aviation Risk Management
Liu, R. (PI)
7/1/03 → 6/30/07
Project: Research project
Robust Methods for Exploring Multivariate Data
Tyler, D. (PI)
6/1/03 → 8/31/06
Project: Research project
New Developments in Longitudinal and Heterogeneous Data Analysis with Applications to the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Xie, M. (PI)
4/1/03 → 3/31/06
Project: Research project
Statisical Methods in Fast Functional MRI
Shepp, L. (PI) & Zhang, C. (CoPI)
7/1/02 → 6/30/05
Project: Research
Statistical Methods for Some Applied Problems
Vardi, Y. (PI) & Zhang, C. (CoPI)
7/1/01 → 6/30/05
Project: Research
Modern Statistical Techniques For Computer Vision
Tyler, D. (CoPI)
6/1/00 → 5/31/04
Project: Research project
Statistical Methods in Fast Functional MRI
Shepp, L. (PI) & Zhang, C. (CoPI)
8/1/99 → 7/31/02
Project: Research
Improved Estimation in Multivariate Location Models
Strawderman, W. (PI)
7/15/97 → 6/30/01
Project: Research project
Statistical Methods for Models with Comstraints and Incomplete Data
Vardi, Y. (PI) & Zhang, C. (CoPI)
7/15/97 → 6/30/00
Project: Research
New Testing Methodology for Ordered Categorical Data
Cohen, A. (PI) & Sackrowitz, H. (CoPI)
7/1/97 → 6/30/01
Project: Research
Statistical Problems in 3D Structure Recovery
Tyler, D. (CoPI) & Cabrera, J. (CoPI)
6/15/96 → 8/31/99
Project: Research
Mathematical Sciences: Investigations in Order Restricted Inference and Improved Inference Procedures
Cohen, A. (PI), Strawderman, W. (CoPI) & Sackrowitz, H. (CoPI)
7/1/94 → 12/31/97
Project: Research
Mathematical Sciences: Workshop on Writing Skills for Young Investigators
Cohen, A. (PI) & Strawderman, W. (CoPI)
6/1/92 → 11/30/95
Project: Research
Faculty Awards for Women: Mathematical Sciences: Data Analysis and Resampling Techniques in Statistics
Liu, R. (PI)
11/1/91 → 4/30/98
Project: Research project
Mathematical Sciences: Robust Multivariate: Algorithms, Methodology and Theory
Tyler, D. (PI)
7/1/91 → 12/31/93
Project: Research project
Mathematical Sciences Research Equipment 1991
Strawderman, W. (PI), Kemperman, J. (CoPI), Mcdougall, A. A. (CoPI), Vardi, Y. (CoPI) & Cabrera, J. (CoPI)
7/1/91 → 12/31/92
Project: Research
Mathematical Sciences: Improved Inference Procedures
Cohen, A. (PI), Strawderman, W. (CoPI) & Sackrowitz, H. (CoPI)
6/1/91 → 5/31/95
Project: Research
Mathematical Sciences: Workshop on Writing Skills for Young Investigators--Atlanta, Georgia, August 17-23, 1991
Cohen, A. (PI) & Strawderman, W. (CoPI)
6/1/91 → 11/30/92
Project: Research
Mathematical Sciences: Topics in Statistical Theory
Berk, R. H. (PI), Maguluri, G. (CoPI), Singh, K. (CoPI) & Liu, R. (CoPI)
6/15/90 → 11/30/93
Project: Research
Mathematical Sciences: Presidential Young Investigator Award
Zhang, C. (PI)
7/15/89 → 6/30/94
Project: Research