Project Details
This award funds the research conference 'Algebra 2022 and Beyond.' The aim of this event is to bring together established and early-career researchers in algebra to both disseminate recent work in the field and to foster collaborations and connections – especially among scholars from the Midwest. Under the broad umbrella of Algebra, the focus will be on three areas, algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry, and group theory, which are among central areas of modern mathematics, with natural connections to physics, chemistry, and information science. The list of speakers will include established scholars whose participation in the event will contribute to the training of the next generation of algebraists. In particular, the conference will include a professional development workshop to help early-career mathematicians further their careers.
The main research areas of the conference are algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry, and group theory. The list of scholars who have agreed to lecture includes six invited speakers at International Congresses of Mathematicians. The conference will be forward-looking; speakers will be encouraged to aim their talks at broad audiences of algebraists and emphasize the connections among the three major mathematical areas of the conference. Funding provided by the grant will be used to support early career mathematicians and graduate students to attend the conference. The conference proceedings will be published. For more information see the conference website
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 3/1/22 → 2/28/23 |
- National Science Foundation: $40,000.00