Project Details


This project supports acceleration of translation research and innovation that will promote the advancement of scientific progress along with prosperity and welfare of the nation through the enhancement of translational research. As an example, the US has maintained a competitive edge over competing nations through the translation of fundamental research from the lab to practical application, which drives the innovation economy. Thus, a change in institutional culture that leads to an increase in the number and robustness of translational research ecosystems across the nation will serve to maintain that leadership role. This project is important to society since it leads to a scalable, career path oriented, and economically impactful outcome. The project is scalable since the knowledge gained may be transferred to other institutes of higher education. Additionally, improvements in education that align with expected job opportunities will lead to future career pathways. And finally, the intellectual property generated will positively impact regional economic development.The objective of this project is to enhance the research translation ecosystem at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and its impact on the society. This is achieved through three main tasks: i) creating institutional infrastructure; ii) education and training; and iii) supporting translational research projects, aided by institutional learning and culture change through mentorship. Institutional infrastructure is created through the creation of the NJIT Center for Translational Research, which will serve as a central hub for all activities and is governed by a diverse external advisory board. Cohorts of graduate students, postdocs, and faculty will be offered two types of research translation education: (1) developing curricular education for graduate students, and (2) co-curricular workshops for faculty and postdocs based on NSF I-Corps curriculum. Supporting translational research projects leading to the immediate impact and serving as a platform for growing translational research, innovation and technology commercialization ecosystem.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Effective start/end date2/1/24 → 1/31/28


  • National Science Foundation: $5,999,999.00