Computation and Communication: Promoting Research Integration in Science and Mathematics (C2PRISM)

Project Details


Proposal #: 0638423

PI: Fadi Deek

Institution: New Jersey Institute of Technology

Title: Computation and Communication: Promoting Research Integration in Science and Mathematics (C2PRISM)

This proposal describes a new project developed by New Jersey Institute of Technology. The project focuses on infusing computational science and methods using inquiry learning in the science and mathematics curriculum in high schools in Newark, New Jersey. The project provides hands-on instructional experience to 8 Fellows per year and will broaden the educational experience and communication skills of the Fellows. The project will provide secondary teachers and students with new computation skills that help them investigate science in new ways and prepare them for a wide array of career opportunities.

Intellectual Merit: The intellectual merit of this project lies with its innovative method of bridging curriculum and the science disciplines through the infusion of computational tools. Computation is presented as an element that pervades math and science rather than a detached subject. In addition, doctoral research brought into the classroom exposes exciting new frontiers to teachers and students and brings a high level of intellectual focus the sciences beyond those found using traditional methods. The methods and resources developed during this project have the potential to be of great benefit to the secondary science community and perhaps change the nature of science instruction in the future.

Broader Impacts: The project provides professional development opportunities for Fellows and strengthens their instructional and communication skills. It provides computational skills and strengthened science learning to secondary students as well as role models of working scientists. This could result in an increase in secondary students who pursue science and technology as careers. It should leave a foundation within the schools that will benefit students far into future and fundamentally improve the way that students learn about science and inquiry.

Effective start/end date3/1/072/28/13


  • National Science Foundation: $2,998,465.00


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