Conference on Innovation in Undergraduate Research and Teaching

    Project Details


    This award supports participation in the Conference on Undergraduate Research, Innovation in Teaching, and Diversity in the Mathematical Sciences, to be held at Montclair State University in June 2008. The conference promotes the dissemination and further development of successful practices in the supervision of undergraduate research, including those practices that increase participation by students who are members of underrepresented groups. The conference also facilitates dissemination of other innovations in the teaching of mathematical sciences at the college and university level. Invited speakers include college and university faculty who have had significant success in these areas.

    The meeting also serves as a gateway to the mathematical sciences research community for undergraduate participants, who will present their own research in a poster session and will contribute their perspectives on innovations in undergraduate teaching.

    Conference web site:

    Effective start/end date7/1/089/30/09


    • National Science Foundation: $23,243.00


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