MRI: Acquisition of a High Performance Computer Cluster Supporting Computational Science Research and Learning

Project Details


Proposal #: CNS 09-22644

PI(s): Robila, Stefan A.

Institution: Montclair State University

Title: MRI/Acq.: High Performance Computer Cluster Supporting Computational Science Research and Learning

Project Proposed:

This project, acquiring a high performance computer cluster, aims to expand interdisciplinary projects in three departments (CS, Math Science, and Linguistics) and enable collaboration with a research intensive university (Syracuse). These projects require significant computation power and describe problems where the size of the data sets continues to grow. The work involves novel approaches for parallel image and signal processing, and in particular spectral imaging. The approach includes design of parallel algorithms and the development of theories on how to parallelize the general data processing steps. Other projects use parallel processing for phylogenetic modeling, use dynamic systems for disease modeling, parallelization techniques for the use of scattering theory, and the cross-lingual morphosyntactic tagging.

Broader Impacts: This project helps to attract more students to hands-on multidisciplinary research and to establish and strengthen a cross-institutional research partnership between an undergraduate-serving teaching institution and a research university. The research on spectral imaging parallel applications allows for the use of spectral sensors in new applications improving the timeliness and accuracy of results. In terms of dynamic systems, computer modeling and computational analysis of disease dynamics might contribute to determine the best policy for a given epidemic situation. Applications and contributions of scattering theory to science include deep earth seismology, exploration of underground resources, engineering, mine detection, and other military applications. In phylogeny, the ability to reconstruct optimal evolutionary trees based on objective criteria impacts directly the understanding of the relationships among organisms, human evolution, and spread of infectious disease.

Effective start/end date9/1/098/31/13


  • National Science Foundation: $208,975.00


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