Regional 800 MHz NMR System Upgrade

  • Montelione, Gaetano (PI)

Project Details


7. Project Summary This proposal seeks to fund a state-of-the-art 800 MHz NMR radio frequency (RF) console, [1H/19F,13C,15N,2H]- cryoprobe, cryoprobe cooling unit, and superconducting magnet pump station controller and monitoring unit, as well as a temperature-controlled sample changer accessory, optimally configured for modern solution-state biomolecular NMR. The primary need for this replacement NMR console is to address the critical need for NMR data collection at 800 MHz among a broad and growing user group at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), and at other institutions in the upstate New York and New Jersey region. This NMR spectrometer system will replace a 15-Yr old Bruker Avance II (AVII) 600 MHz NMR console, cryoprobe, and magnet pump controller system that are no longer supported by the manufacturer, and which have limited capabilities to carry out modern NMR experiments required by our growing NIH-funded NMR user community. The replacement RF console and probe, together with an existing well-maintained actively-shielded 18.8 Tesla superconducting magnet with US2 cryostat, will form an integrated biomolecular NMR system. This proposal was prepared on behalf of some 21 research groups, including 14 NIH-funded groups, that will utilize the proposed NMR instrument for measurements. This existing AV II console cannot be sustainably maintained due to limited availability of replacement parts, and its inability to run modern NMR data collection software. The principal user groups include faculty at the Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Sciences, and in the Departments of Biology, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, and Chemical Engineering at RPI, and external user groups, including faculty of the State University of New York at Albany, the State University of New York at Buffalo, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Sienna College, and Rutgers ? The State University of New Jersey. These researchers span groups with limited expertise in NMR who send samples and/or students to the facility for data collection and analysis efforts, to highly-experienced biomolecular NMR spectroscopists who need access to high field NMR data collection. The RPI 800 MHz spectrometer has served for more than 14 years as a critical resource to the capital region of New York, with no other NMR system of this field strength or greater within 120 miles of Troy. The hardware is in urgent need of upgrade, as there is the potential for irreparable hardware failure, and the research groups who use it cannot carry out their NIH-funded research without a state-of-the-art 800 MHz NMR system. Their funded projects are mature, and will utilize new hardware as soon as it is installed. The upgraded instrument will have broad impact, as a significant portion of NMR time will be dedicated to technology development and a broad range of collaborative activities. The outstanding expertise of the scientists responsible for this NMR Core Facility, well-established administration and maintenance policies, commitment to support both major and minor users, and affordable rates for both internal and external users will ensure success of this instrument as a regional resource. 1
Effective start/end date5/15/215/14/22


  • Spectroscopy


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