U.S.-China Collaboration in Solar Physics Research

Project Details


9603534 Wang This award supports a three year program of cooperation in solar physics research between Haimin Wang, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Ai Guoxiang, Beijing Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This award adds an international dimension to work funded under CAREER award ATM 9628862. The opportunity to coordinate longitudinal coverage of the sun and the ability to see solar events from the Earth at different longitudes on Earth are very important reasons to collaborate with China in this field. China has assigned a high priority to solar research, and does more research in this area than the U.S. does. This cooperative program will allow U.S. researchers access to a major space solar program initiated by the Chinese. The Huairou Solar Observing Station of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory is the center of solar physics research in China. Support for Chinese participation in the project will be provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Effective start/end date1/1/9712/31/00


  • National Science Foundation: $39,900.00


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