Altered growth and death in dilution-based viral predation assays

Ben Knowles, Juan A. Bonachela, Nick Cieslik, Alice Della Penna, Ben Diaz, Nick Baetge, Micheal J. Behrenfeld, Karen Naumovitz, Emmanuel Boss, Jason R. Graff, Kimberly H. Halsey, Liti Haramaty, Lee Karp-Boss, Kay D. Bidle

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Viral lysis of phytoplankton is one of the most common forms of death on Earth. Building on an assay used extensively to assess rates of phytoplankton loss to predation by grazers, lysis rates are increasingly quantified through dilution-based techniques. In this approach, dilution of viruses and hosts are expected to reduce infection rates and thus increase host net growth rates (i.e., accumulation rates). The difference between diluted and undiluted host growth rates is interpreted as a measurable proxy for the rate of viral lytic death. These assays are usually conducted in volumes ≥1 L. To increase throughput, we implemented a miniaturized, high-throughput, high-replication, flow cytometric microplate dilution assay to measure viral lysis in environmental samples sourced from a suburban pond and the North Atlantic Ocean. The most notable outcome we observed was a decline in phytoplankton densities that was exacerbated by dilution, instead of the increased growth rates expected from lowered virus-phytoplankton encounters. We sought to explain this counterintuitive outcome using theoretical, environmental, and experimental analyses. Our study shows that, while die-offs could be partly explained by a ‘plate effect’ due to small incubation volumes and cells adhering to walls, the declines in phytoplankton densities are not volume-dependent. Rather, they are driven by many density- and physiology-dependent effects of dilution on predation pressure, nutrient limitation, and growth, all of which violate the original assumptions of dilution assays. As these effects are volume-independent, these processes likely occur in all dilution assays that our analyses show to be remarkably sensitive to dilution-altered phytoplankton growth and insensitive to actual predation pressure. Incorporating altered growth as well as predation, we present a logical framework that categorizes locations by the relative dominance of these mechanisms, with general applicability to dilution-based assays.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbere0288114
JournalPLoS One
Issue number7 JULY
StatePublished - Jul 2023
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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