Author Correction: Zebras of all stripes repel biting flies at close range (Scientific Reports, (2022), 12, 1, (18617), 10.1038/s41598-022-22333-7)

Kaia J. Tombak, Andrew S. Gersick, Lily V. Reisinger, Brenda Larison, Daniel I. Rubenstein

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review


The original version of this Article contained errors in the Methods and Data availability sections. “We took a ~ 30 cm2 piece from the side of the rump from one plains zebra and one Grevy’s zebra (SI1), and one section from the flank of an impala (since the rump of the impala was not large enough to match the skin sections from the zebras), all found dead in the field. Each of these squares was scraped free of any attached muscle and fat, cured with salt, and sun-dried at the research center.” now reads: “We took a ~ 400 cm2 piece from the side of the rump from one plains zebra and one Grevy’s zebra (SI1), and one section from the flank of an impala (since the rump of the impala was not large enough to match the skin sections from the zebras), all found dead in the field. Each of these squares was scraped free of any attached muscle and fat, cured with salt, and sun-dried at the research center.” In addition, in the Data availability section, “All data associated with this manuscript will be available on Dryad upon acceptance.” now reads: “All data associated with this manuscript are available on Dryad (https:// doi. org/ 10. 5061/ dryad. gb5mk kwtd) and the script is available on Zenodo (https:// doi. org/ 10. 5281/ zenodo. 74027 31).” The original Article has been corrected.

Original languageAmerican English
Article number1731
JournalScientific reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 2023

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