Iodination of PEGylated Polymers Counteracts the Inhibition of Fibrinogen Adsorption by PEG

Wenjie Wang, William R. Lindemann, Nathaniel A. Anderson, Joachim Kohn, David Vaknin, N. Sanjeeva Murthy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Poly(ethylene glycol), PEG, known to inhibit protein adsorption, is widely used on the surfaces of biomedical devices when biofilm formation is undesirable. Poly(desaminotyrosyl-tyrosine ethyl ester carbonate), PDTEC, PC for short, has been a promising coating polymer for insertion devices, and it has been anticipated that PEG plays a similar role if it is copolymerized with PC. Earlier studies show that no fibrinogen (Fg) is adsorbed onto PC polymers with PEG beyond the threshold weight percentage. This is attributed to the phase separation of PEG. Further, iodination of the PC units in the PC polymer, (I2PC), has been found to counteract this Fg-repulsive effect by PEG. In this study, we employ surface-sensitive X-ray techniques to demonstrate the surface affinity of Fg toward the air-water interface, particularly in the presence of self-assembled PC-based film, in which its constituent polymer units are assumed to be much more mobile as a free-standing film. Fg is found to form a Gibbs monolayer with its long axis parallel to the aqueous surface, thus maximizing its interactions with hydrophobic interfaces. It influences the amount of insoluble, surface-bound I2PC likely due to the desorption of the formed Fg-I2PC complex and/or the penetration of Fg onto the I2PC film. The results show that the phase behavior at the liquid-polymer interface shall be taken into account for the surface behavior of bulk polymers surrounded by tissue. The ability of PEG units rearranging into a protein-blocking layer, rather than its mere presence in the polymer, is the key to antifouling characteristics desired for polymeric coating on insertion devices.

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)14615-14622
Number of pages8
Issue number48
StatePublished - Dec 6 2022

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Materials Science
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Surfaces and Interfaces
  • Spectroscopy
  • Electrochemistry


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