Pilot Study Evaluating Cross-Disciplinary Educational Material to Improve Patients’ Knowledge of Palliative Radiation Therapy

Faryal Rizvi, Mark R. Korst, Meredith Young, Muhammad Hamza Habib, Joshua A. Kra, Ankit Shah, Tina M. Mayer, Biren Saraiya, Olga F. Jarrín, Malcolm D. Mattes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Palliative radiation therapy (PRT) is underutilized, partially due to misconceptions about its risks, benefits, and indications. The objective of this pilot study was to determine if patients with metastatic cancer would gain knowledge from educational material describing PRT and perceive it as useful in their care. A one-page handout conveying information about the purpose, logistics, benefits, risks, and common indications for PRT was offered to patients undergoing treatment for incurable, metastatic solid tumors in one palliative care clinic and four medical oncology clinics. Participants read the handout, then completed a questionnaire assessing its perceived value. Seventy patients participated between June and December 2021. Sixty-five patients (93%) felt they learned from the handout (40% learned “lots”), and 69 (99%) felt the information was useful (53% “very useful”). Twenty-one patients (30%) were previously unaware that PRT can relieve symptoms, 55 (79%) were unaware that PRT can be delivered in five treatments or less, and 43 (61%) were unaware that PRT usually has few side effects. Sixteen patients (23%) felt they currently had symptoms not being treated well enough, and 34 (49%) felt they had symptoms that radiation might help with. Afterwards, most patients felt more comfortable bringing symptoms to a medical oncologist’s (n = 57, 78%) or radiation oncologist’s (n = 51, 70%) attention. Patient-directed educational material about PRT, provided outside of a radiation oncology department, was perceived by patients as improving their knowledge and adding value in their care, independent of prior exposure to a radiation oncologist.

Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)1466-1470
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Cancer Education
Issue number5
StatePublished - Oct 2023

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Oncology
  • Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health


  • Medical oncology
  • Palliative care
  • Patient education
  • Radiation oncology


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